
Scope of Work
Roofers specialize in putting roofs on buildings and other structures to make them waterproof and weatherproof. They apply composition shingles, tile, slate and composition roofs. They use modern equipment to handle their materials, thereby lessening the physical exertion that was formerly required. Roofers are also called to waterproof and damp-proof walls and other building surfaces.
Working Conditions
With the exception of waterproofing of some walls, the roofers work outdoors in all kinds of weather and only shut down operations when the weather becomes too severe. Most of the time they work on the top of buildings installing roofing materials. In their work, they do a great deal of climbing, kneeling, standing and walking.
Roofers and Waterproofers Local 70 Apprentice School
Mark Woodward, Training Coordinator
1451 Old Pinckney Road
Howell, MI 48843
(517) 548-4839
FAX (517) 548-5398
Territories Covered: Muskegon, Mecosta, Newaygo, Oceana, Hillsdale, Jackson, Livingston, Washtenaw, Ingham, Eaton, Clinton, Branch, Calhoun, Barry, St.Joseph, Kalamazoo, Van Buren, Ionia, Kent, Ottawa, Montcalm, Lake, Mason.
Roofers Local 149 Apprentice School
Brain Gregg, Apprentice Coordinator
10621 Capital
Oak Park , MI 48237
(248) 543-3847
FAX (248) 543-3871
Toledo Area Roofers & Waterproof Industry JATC
Northwest Ohio Construction Education Center
4535 Hill Avenue
Toledo, Ohio 43615-5301
(419) 531-5911
FAX (419) 531-4392
Territories Covered: Monroe and Lenawee.